Railroad Injury Reports
All railroads have a rule requiring employees to complete a personal injury report in a timely manner following an injury incident. The injury report is the employee’s first opportunity to inform the railroad in writing about the injury incident and describe what was unsafe about the working environment, procedures, tools and/or equipment that caused or contributed to cause the injury. Guidelines to consider include:
- Make sure you are physically and mentally able to complete the report. If not, advise your supervisor of this fact and wait to complete the report until able.
- If possible, find a witness (union local chairman, co-employee) to accompany you when you complete the report.
- Read each question carefully and think about each question before writing your answer.
- Accurately describe the unsafe work environment, procedures, tools and/or equipment involved in your injury incident.
- Check or write “no” in response to any question asking if you could have prevented your own injury incident.
- List any witnesses who may have information about the incident.
The manner in which you complete the injury report and answer the questions may have a significant impact on your ability to recover compensation under the FELA and may provide the railroad with evidence to establish your contributory negligence in an effort to reduce your potential compensation. Thus, the importance of this report and how it is completed cannot be overstated.